Google cheat sheet

by Prashant Kumar Sharma


Alternative Query Types
Operators Meaning Syntax OR Type Into Search Box (& Results)
cache: Display Google’s cached version of a web page. cache: 

(Show Google’s cached version of my Blog’s home page.)

info: (or id:) Find info about a page. info: information about pacific-info blog.)
related: List web pages that are similar or related to the URL. websites related to the Healthfinder website.)


Basic Examples
This Search Finds Pages Containing…
biking India the words biking and India
Sport basketball OR football information on Sport basketball or Sport football
“I have a dream” the exact phrase I have a dream
salsa –dance the word salsa but ‘NOT’ the word dance
Louis +I France information about Louis the First (I), weeding out other kings of France
castle ~glossary glossaries about castles, as well as dictonaries, lists of terms, terminology, etc.
fortune-telling all forms of the term, whether spelled as a single word, a phrase, or hyphenated
define:imbroglio definitions of the word imbroglio from the Web


Operators Meaning Type Into Search Box
+ – * / basic arithmetic 12 + 34 – 56 * 7 / 8
% of percentage of 45% of 39
^ or ** raise to a power 2^5 or 2**5
old units in new units convert units 300 Euros in USD, 130 lbs in kg, or 31 in hex


Restrict Search to Sites where Query Words Appear
Operators Meaning Type Into Search Box (& Results)
allinanchor: All query words must appear in anchor text of links to the page. allinanchor:useful parenting sites(Search for pages that are called useful parenting sites by others.)
inanchor: Terms must appear in anchor text of links to the page. restaurants Portland inanchor:kid-friendly(Search for pages on Portland restaurants for which links to the page say they are “kid friendly.”)
allintext: All query words must appear in the text of the page. allintext:ingredients cilantro chicken lime(Search for recipes with these three ingredients.)
intext: The terms must appear in the text of the page. Dan Shugar intext:Powerlight(Find pages mentioning Dan Shugar where his company, Powerlight, is included in the text of the page, i.e., less likely to be from the corporate website.)
allintitle: All query words must appear in the title of the page. allintitle: Google Advanced Operators(Search for pages with titles containing “Google,” “Advanced,”, and “Operators”.)
intitle: The terms must appear in the title of the page. movies comedy intitle:top ten(Search for pages with the words movie and comedy that include top ten in the title of the page.)
allinurl: All query words must appear in the URL. allinurl:pez faq(Search for pages containing the words pez & faq in the URL.)
inurl: The terms must appear in the URL of the page. pharmaceutical inurl:investor(Search for pages in which the URL contains the word investor.)

One Comment to “Google cheat sheet”

  1. Hmm thanks for the share, do you have any other references?

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